Scientific Object Identifier

Description a SOI license

Type or paste a SOI license, e.g., 1.1/tas into the text box below. Be sure to enter all of the characters before and after the slash.



Clicking on a SOI link (try this one:
) takes you to one or more current URLs or other services related to a single resource. If the URLs or services change over time, e.g., the resource moves, this same SOI will continue to resolve to the correct resources or services at their new locations.

Frequently Asked Questions about the SOI Licensing System and SOI license.

If you have any question that you think should be added to this list, please feel free to contact us at




1. How do I get a SOI license for my scientific material?

You must use a service offered by a SOI or by SOI Registration Agency (RA). RAs collect metadata, assign SOI licenses, and offer other services such as reference linking or metadata lookup. See the list of RAs, and contact the ones whose services best meet your needs. If you do not see an appropriate application listed, consider approaching an existing RA. You do not need to be a member of the SOI in order to work with an RA.


2. How much does it cost to get a SOI license and use the SOI license system?

The cost of registering new SOI licenses depends on the services you purchase. Contact a SOI Registration Agency to discuss your options. The SOI search system does not determine the costs charged to end users. Existing SOI licenses can be resolved by users free of charge.


3. What can a SOI license be assigned to?

It can be any scientific entity — journals, articles, patents, conference materials, books and etc. — that you wish to identify as scientific items, primarily for sharing with an interested scientist user community or managing as intellectual scientific property.


4. If I have assigned a SOI license and I make a change to my material, should I assign a new SOI license?

The SOI does not have any rules on this. As a general rule, if the change is substantial and/or it is necessary to identify both the original and the changed material, assign a new SOI license.


5. How does the SOI license system differ from the Handle System?

The SOI license system implements the Handle System and adds to it some other features.


6. The International SOI system is a membership organization? Who are the members?

The activities of the SOI are controlled by its members, operating under a legal Charter and formal By-laws. Membership is open to all organizations with an interest in scientific network publishing, scientific content distribution, rights management, and related enabling technologies. A list of current members is available here. See more information about the SOI and its membership. Send a request to for information about joining.
